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Summer – Infused water

By June 17, 2022July 1st, 2022Business Tips, Mindfulness

Stay hydrated this summer by making your own infused water!

If there’s one mainstay of a healthy diet that we all seem to be able to agree on, it’s the importance of drinking water. As the weather warms up, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially when exercising.

The recommendation remains to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. That’s a total of as much as 64 ounces, but it doesn’t all have to come from plain water.

Some great choices to infuse your water include:

  • Watermelon: readily available in the summer and great for hydration, watermelon adds vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and plenty of sweetness.
  • Berries: drop in some  berries to add fibre.
  • Cucumbers: a refreshing choice to cool off after a workout, cucumbers pump up your water with vitamins and minerals.
  • Herbs and spices: add in layers of flavor with leaves of basil, mint, and parsley, or spice up your drink with cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.
  • Citrus fruit: lemons, limes, and grapefruits are great choices for vitamin C, and they boost digestion and metabolism.

When it comes to flavouring water the sky is the limit! 

There are endless combinations of fruit, veg and herbs to experiment with. Adding fruit to your water is a great way to get extra nutrients and boost your metabolism. It provides a host of benefits (antioxidants, vitamins & minerals) while helping you stay hydrated.

Adding a little excitement to your glass with a pop of colour and some actual taste to keep you sipping away.