Where does fear originate?
Fear feels like a purely emotional response, but it has a physical origin.
When the amygdala – the part of our brain that controls our fight/flight/freeze response gets triggered, the energy in our brains is focused on danger, that’s great if we’re at risk, but unhelpful if it happens when you’re about to do something that requires clear thinking.
Our amygdala sits on top of the hippocampus, which stores memories. This means that, sometimes, a fight/flight/freeze response reminds us of a time when we were worried, or something went wrong, so, not only are we reacting as if we’re in danger in the present, we’re also connecting it emotionally to past events or trauma. This can lead to anxiety and worry, emotional withdrawal or even actively protesting about things changing at all.
Address your finances
Many of us are worried about the rising cost of living, but by confronting monetary concerns, you can make constructive changes. Pinpointing the source of your stress will provide clarity. Creating a budget identifying where your money is going can help you save money for areas causing financial concern. If it’s too overwhelming, consider using a financial planner.
Trust you’ll be ok
If you’re fearful of something but you own it, then you – not what’s worrying you are in control. Keep busy with healthy things that occupy you. Being distracted can be restorative, and be kind to yourself.Change requires effort and sometimes you won’t feel like it – that’s ok. A ‘duvet day’ is in order sometimes, but always see your gp for support if necessary.
Calm your mind
There are two simple ways to do this, firstly slow your breathing and think of something positive. Counting to four as you inhale then exhale will calm your nervous system and help you reset in the present, while thinking of something that makes you smile creates ‘happy’ hormones that override the hormones triggered by stress. When you feel calmer, you’ll feel less afraid to make decisions.
Improve your diet
Is fearfulness connected to the food we consume? Well, we are what we eat. ‘Our diet affects brain health, mood and thinking. Begin by cutting out sugar and ultra-processed foods. This is tough, but start small – it helps. Improving diet lifts mood, clears brain fog and improves overall wellbeing. If you feel brighter, you’re more likely to feel confident about making changes,