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Work smarter

By August 26, 2022September 5th, 2022Business Support, Business Tips, Mindfulness

Working smart instead of hard is a mindset that benefits us all. How would you describe your working style?


No Distractions
Distractions like social media, texting or even just the notification sound is proven to be the number one cause of low productivity in work.

Decide on a specific period of time you’re going to work and turn off your phone, or turn on the airplane mode so you don’t have any distractions while working. Practising this daily will help take your focus and productivity to a new level.

Use the Pomodoro Technique
A method for staying focused:

STEP 1: Pick a task
STEP 2: Set a 25-minute timer
STEP 3: Work on your task until the time is up
STEP 4: Take a 5-minute break
STEP 5: Every 4 Pomodoros, take a longer 15-30 minutes break

Find your strengths and focus on them. Find your weak areas, and find the right person whose strength is your weakness. For example, if you’re really good at copywriting for your business, but design is your weakness. Focus your time writing and find the right person to take that copy and make designs out of it. This will help you achieve more in less time, and maintain the highest quality. Contact us here at My Admin Support!

The 6 Tasks Rule
Aiming to finish 20 tasks in one day will probably get you to procrastinate most of your work without focusing on quality. Every single day, aim to finish no more than 6 things.

Work until finishing these for the day. Tasks that you didn’t finish will always move to the next day. So, if you finished 4 tasks, you can only add 2 for that day, keeping your list clean with 6 tasks at a time.

Are there any techniques helping you to work smarter?